Emily in France 🇫🇷 I Love My New Morning Routine
My new mornings.
I love my job. I have for years. Compounded with the fact that I am a morning person (and always have been, with a small blip from the ages of 15 to 19), this means that I generally bound out of bed and straight to work without a second thought. But in confinement, with many of my editors and colleagues beginning their work days six to nine hours after I do, getting to work that early can mean that I'm literally in front of my computer for sixteen hours a day (and no... that's not hyperbole).
So I've started a new morning routine.
I do not charge my phone overnight. Instead, I stick it somewhere where it will surely die, and I wake up without an alarm. I do not know what time it is when I wake, and I do not seek to find out. Instead, I stumble to the coffee pot, make ten cups (yeah... ten cups), and then I grab my book and my mug (either my Harry Potter one or my Scottish Tim Horton's one – either of which makes me think of one of my favorite Scottish people) and sit in the window for a good twenty pages (I have no idea what that is in minutes, because, again, I have no phone and no watch). When this is done – and only then – I stick my phone on the charger, turn on my computer, and promptly dance to Hamilton.
And then I start working.
Friends, it's the little things that make confinement manageable.
1. Self-care is important during confinement. Here are six ways you can take care of you from health experts that I wrote for Organic Authority.
2. If you're trying to reduce your trips to the supermarket, here's a list of 17 fruits and vegetables that will keep for quite a while in your fridge that I wrote for Organic Authority.
3. French comfort food doesn't look quite like American comfort food does. Here are 15 French recettes de grand-mère or "grandma's recipes" I rounded up for Allrecipes.
4. A 99-year-old army veteran raised millions of pounds for the NHS by doing 100 laps of his garden before turning 100. He finished his last lap today with a guard of honor looking on. See it in this video.
5. Catholics, looking to confess your sins? This video takes a lighthearted look at what web confession might look like... and the possible problems that could ensue.
Stay safe, stay INSIDE, and à bientôt !
Emily in France